These bags fit vacuums UNDER 34 inches tall (total length top to bottom) and replaces 8-gallon Bags 720H-5, 720-5 and 12-gallon Bags 721H-5, 721-5. Although this bag may seem big, it was designed this way. Our bag has more area to filter air. After inserting the bag open it up inside the vacuum by pushing down and out around the sides.
Compatible with the following units: Modern Day: A, B, B2, J, K, SR, M465h, M575h, and M615h (all 110 & 240 volt “2” units)
Flo-Master: M19, M31, M32, M34, M45, M64, M72, M85, M92, F450t, F600t, F650t, and all units under 34 inches tall (all 110 & 240 volt “2” units)
Air-Flo: CFM-2 and all units under 34 inches tall
Air-Force: All units, even units over 33 inches tall.
Fits older Thoromatic top load central vacuums.